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Hip-Hop Transformation

Nothing is the same when it comes to hip-hop. Nowadays, you have a song with a nice beat and a nice hook and call it hip-hop. For example, “23” by Miley Cyrus was the song that made Hip-Hop roll over in her grave. Seeing Miley Cyrus rap about being in a club and high off this and that was hilarious. I couldn’t help but laugh throughout the whole song. Why?

Miley Cyrus thought she was doing something because she’s been to flight club and bought Jordan’s out of there… News flash Miley, I‘ve been rocking Jordan’s before I could walk… SHE LATE LMAO!!

THESE POSERS ARE DOING NOTHING BUT MAKING OUR MUSIC BAD. I know and I understand hip hop is not only for black people, but I feel if you’re going to be a rapper, be a decent rapper, make sense, and be original. For example, this whole Iggy Azealia situation is ridiculous because she is Australian; I just find it funny that she talks and acts “ghetto, “ in her songs and videos, but when she’s doing a proper interview, she’s talking properly with her Australian accent.

Music is so diverse that people don’t care about what you do; it’s just how you do it. I bet if Iggy Azealia started rapping in her normal accent, I bet people would love her more because of the accent.

My case and point is, people let’s take back real music, inspire, and motivate one another. I’m tired of hearing rappers rap about the exact same thing, ass and tits! What about life struggles? What about the mountains climbed to get to success?

I would like to everyone to listen to the Notorious BIG song I have posted below. Some of you may heard of it, some of you may not, but it’s definitely worth it because “Machine Gun Funk,” symbolizes real hip hop, the struggle, the grittiness, and listen to his message. After reading this, hit me up on Facebook and twitter and let me know how you would transform hip-hop back. Where do you see hip hop in a couple of years, since Young Money, Cash Money are going down the drain?

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