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Wake up & Smell the Gunfire

“Wake up & Smell the Gunfire”

As we all know, Treyvon Martin, Mike Brown, and recently Jerame Reid were all murdered by people who were allegedly protecting the “streets." I find it funny that all of them were black. Not only were they black, but unarmed, and now they are all victims who may not have justice served at all.

I say that due to facts. For example, George Zimmerman, didn't get charged for killing Treyvon Martin, they didn’t care (government/law makers) that he was an unarmed child who was murdered for no reason. Another example, Mike Brown’s case, Wilson didn't get charged for over-killing an unarmed child and not only that, Wilson was interviewed by ABC Network and was paid for it. If you ask me that’s just fucked up because everyone in the world knows good and damn well that if a black man murdered a white teenager, the black man would get the death penality instantly. Racism still exists in the new world and that’s just FACTS!

I’m not trying to be a reverse racist, but I’m tired of seeing my people still being treated like this! I mean it’s a new world, the President is BLACK! CAN SOME PEOPLE IN WHITE AMERICA ACCEPT CHANGE? I understand that some white people are upset that blacks demanded equal rights and got it. With that said, Can we all just not see race and just see green and red? Everyone has green money and everyone bleeds red. That’s how I look at it.

I strongly feel that white people of power do not care about anyone else below them rather they are black, white, otherwise... it’s sad. We have to rise up, stick together, and make our world peaceful because if you think about it, everyone is too busy being distracted with reality tv, etc... Come on people, turn on the news, read a book, and WAKE UP!!

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